You're different
Make your Difference count

Become a local expert, find your local USP (Unique Selling Point), identify your next steps for sustainable growth in your new region and spend less than 2,5 hours of your time.

Expanding into a new region with little local knowledge and expertise will make it harder for you to avoid the most common pitfalls and, therefore, almost certainly lead you to waste some of your most valuable resources; – time and money.

Not sure where to start?

Your growth potential in different countries will depend on various factors, like your industry, your local competition, economy, pricing, local marketing channels and many more.

Take a lean approach! De-risk your local growth, save time & money and become a local expert within two weeks:

We help you to spend the least amount of time possible and provide you with an actionable plan, including a full set of measurable KPIs that you can rely on for the next 12 to 24 months.

A whole new ocean of opportunities is waiting for you. We tell you everything you need to know to make your expansion successful.

Our Service Outline

Learn everything you need to know by spending less than 2,5 hours of your time.

90 min

Two sessions at 45 minutes to understand you business and your situation

20 min

to count as reading time on your report (incl decision-making matrix)

45 min

One review session to debrief on all actions to get you started

Assessment of your growth potential in your target market

• Market size and value
• Your local competition (strategic mapping)
• Local specifics you need to consider

How to achieve your goals

• Your business goals per region
• Your local customers and where to find them
• Your local marketing and sales funnel and channels
• Local key stakeholders and strategic alliances that will help you grow
• Localize your marketing strategy
• Automate your sales processes

Your local USP: Become a local Beacon

• Find your unique local selling point
• Set of actionable steps (including KPIs)
• Decision matrix for the next 12 to 24 months

You are already set up, growing and knowing your target market?

No problem! We will briefly look at your current strategy, goals and tactics and take it from there.

Do you want to skip this step and just start to market and sell your product?

This is also fine! “Perfect is the enemy of good”. We are a lean-centric company and believe that getting out of the building and market your product is the most effective way to grow your local footprint. We designed our decision matrix precisely for that reason: To provide you with easy to digest information on your next growth market, your strategy and how to avoid pitfalls, save you time and costs.